• How to purchase

    1. Artwork availability:

    Check the bottom of the artwork description to see where the artwork is available.

    Artwork not listed at galleries is offered directly from the artist's studio or online by


    2. Pricing:

    The price of the artwork is marked at the bottom of the artwork description.

    The online price is always the same as the gallery price.

    Exported works may be exempt from 15% GST if you qualify, arrange this with the artist upfront.

    Packaging, freight, and hanging are extra.

    3. Gallery exhibit:

    If the artwork you like is exhibited in an art gallery, you can contact the gallery directly or the

    artist can communicate on your behalf.

    4. Requesting more information:

    If you are interested in a painting from the artist's website, you can email the artist for more

    detail photos and a short video.

    5. Shipping:

    The artwork will be shipped flat in a sturdy, well-protected cardboard box.

    Delivery is arranged through "Pack and Send" who will package the artwork professionally and

    can provide insurance.

    Packaging, freight, and hanging are extra.

    6. Payment:

    Payment is usually made by direct credit to the artist's bank account or through PayPal before


    7. Availability of series or works:

    If you are interested in a series or a work on the artist's website, you can email the artist to find

    out what is currently available